TAFS Update –Foot-and-Mouth Disease Global Situation
19 October 2021 | Technical news (commented)While Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) remains a concern of global economic importance, changes inapproaches to FMD control are needed in the context ofglobal food security. Even thoughstamping out has been a mainstay ofFMD control for some countries in the past, the public is less-and-less willing to acceptthe mass cullingof healthy animals.The animal welfare and waste of protein considerationsmake stamping outan unsustainable disease control method.
TAFS – The impact of COVID-19 on food safety and global health
17 August 2021 | Technical news (commented)The extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on food safety and the control of other infectious diseases both in people and in animals globally is becoming more evident. There have been short-term impacts such as the suspension of routine activities as well as long-term impacts such as the stimulation of industries and organizations to act and collaborate in the name of global health resilience.
TAFS – Update on SARS-CoV-2 and Minks
17 November 2020 | Technical news (commented)Unique SARS-CoV-2 variant found in minks and humans in Denmark. What does it mean?
Read the full update here.
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